Parenthood: Keeping your dog happy after having a baby.

One of the main topics I noticed while browsing parenting forums, whilst pregnant, and whilst having a new-born baby, was in regards to dogs. Before you have a baby, if you have a dog, you are used to giving them a lot of attention and often you don’t have to think about anything else. This…

Short Story: Erie

So this is my second short story! with my inspirations coming from Momma Bird who gave me the place of Sandusky, Ohio. I have never been, or in fact even been to america so I hope I haven’t butchered it too much! Please check out her blog over at Momma Bird Blog.  The smell of whale…

Nursing Bits: Lets Talk About Death

I’m going to talk about dying, which is something not many people do. In recent years I have had to face this issue on a very personal level. The first time I had ever had somebody I love very much die was in 2016, when my son was miscarried. This was the first time I…

Short Story: The Last Page

So here is my first post-post, a short story influenced by Shiza Khan who gave me my sentence to work from check her blog out here. please enjoy this short story i’ve named The Last Page. “Once upon a time there was a girl,” fiddling with the page between her index finger and thumb, she…

I am such a crap blogger!

Erg I am so sorry if you take the time out of our day to read about my life and have noticed I have gone missing for over half a year. My bad. all I can say is ergg work. Ergg babies. They are my only excuses, that and a massive lack of motivation. I…